Our Native Bouquet consists of 4 Stamps and Cutters and produces a stunning display or cookie bouquet.
Set includes: Banksia Hookeriana Stamp & Cutter, Banksia Coccinea Stamp & Cutter, Waratah Stamp & Cutter and Billy Buttons 4 image Texture Plate & Cutter
100% designed and locally manufactured by our small business in Cobram Victoria.
* Samples shown include a two tone technique inspired by the original creator, Samantha @sweetbakesofmine
Native Bouquet Bundle
See individual stamps for sizing description
Cutter fits to design edge of stamp
Cutter Care:
Our cutters are manufactured from PLA, a food grade, non-toxic material which is heat sensitive. Wash in warm water only and store below 50 degress centigrade. Do not soak. Discard if broken or damaged.
Stamp Care:
Our stamps are made from 6mm frosted Acrylic. Wash in warm water and air dry. Avoid harsh scrubbing as this may damage the texture or surface of your stamp design.
Wash before first use